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C r e a t i v e s p a c e

Welcome to your Creative Space where you will find activities that allow you to connect mindfulness with visual art. Some of these activities will be done in art class, but you're welcome to practice them at home too. Don't forget to send us your finished artworks in the feedback section so we can create an online gallery of your work!

activity one 

For this activity you will be creating a mandala. Traditionally, the mandala is recognised for its deep spiritual meaning and representation of wholeness. The word itself means circle or completion in Sanskrit. Making a mandala is a practical and creative form of meditation where your instincts and feelings will guide you through the process of creation. You will be designing and making a personal mandala during your visual art class, but you can watch the video below for inspiration, and an overview of the process. 

activity two 

Start a daily journal. Journals don't have to be based around words, you can make an art journal that lets you visually express your feelings and emotions. Get creative and use a variety of art materials (like paint, charcoal, oil pastels, ink, gold leaf, recycled materials) from home or the school art cupboard. You can make your journal as personal and expressive as you like, you don't have to show it to anyone if you don't wish to. 

If you need some inspiration to get started, check out Pinterest for hundreds of art journal ideas.

activity three 

activity four

You will complete this activity during your visual art class. You will design and make a postcard that you will never send. You can choose the person that you wish to make the postcard for, for a reason of your choice. You may be feeling hurt or angry by this person's actions or behaviour, or you may miss the person and want to tell them why or you may even want to tell someone a secret that you have never told anyone before. The aim of the activity is to bring awareness to your present feelings about a person or situation and use your creativity to express them. 

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